One of my friend has a perfect round face. She also has a fine hair so it doesn't tend to grow much longer than an inch or two past her shoulders. Talking to her my advice was that the most suitable style is a classic bob cut, just below the chin. From the very beginning my friend considered this hair style very boring, but day by bay she realized that it is not.
There is a lot she can do with this cut. She can flip it out, flip it under, part it in the middle, part it on the side, tuck hair behind both ears or just one, wear it up in multiple ways. She also can scrunch it and let it dry curly, mousse it, piece it, etc....
One day she meet the perfect hairdresser with plenty of talent and imagination. The hairdresser puts a couple of strategically placed long layers in the back. She's showed her how to tease this section, spray it, then gently comb over it to create a lift at the top in the back. This great trick added an extra half-inch to her height, which was a very good performance thinking she is only 5 feet tall. Probably the words cannot explain enough, but this trick, combined with longer layers tapered towards the front, seems to elongate her round face and make it appear more oval.
Evie Lampard is a freelance writer interested in items such as sedu hairstyles.